Bill Hawthorne
Bill has enjoyed the art of painting and the art of golf most of his life: to him, they are interconnected, and a realm of experiences and challenges that never end.
He retired from his stockbroker career of 38 years in 2011. His career ranged from an account executive of a major brokerage firm to becoming a branch manager for two regional firms, and lastly, managing client portfolios for an independent firm.
Bill’s work on painting began in the mid-70s when he took up the practice for the satisfaction of achievement, relaxation, and for expression. His school was The Joy of Painting with William Alexander and Bob Ross. Bill’s skill has evolved to show a distinct style and powerful range of talent and emotional depth.
Golf was his earliest interest. Playing or observing a dramatic hole demanded his expression of that experience. He wanted to grasp and keep these experiences and then pass them on for others to enjoy. Golf led to exploring of Scotland and Ireland, which inspired further works. At first Celtic courses were painted. But there was too much to paint in those lands, which resulted in the theme of his art: Courses and Castles.